Something Different
From coding in perl I learned TAAW (there’s always another way), and when I start to feel stuck or stale in my art, I go looking for another way. This Tim that meant digging up a reference piece of ink work by Corrado Mastantuono from my Instagram stream (@corradomastantuono), and trying to do my version of it. The last time I tried something like this, it was with work by Charles Dana Gibson. That time I used a brush pen. This time I used a fine liner. Was it a good copy? No, not really. On the other hand, it was worlds better than I had frankly expected. It’s not a style that I aspire to, even though I admire it. But it was still a successful exercise. I’ll likely pull a few more to do in the near future just to see what I can learn from them. The dozen or so pieces I did based on Gibson’s work left me much more comfortable pulling multiple parallel lines with some level of confidence, and it wasn’t until quite a bit after doing them that I realized it.