Art Space

I had been vaguely aware that Interurban Arthouse has open studio time for members during the week, but I had never quite managed to check it out until last week. Which is when I discovered that most folks show up in the mornings, and mostly on Mondays, so there was no one there on a Thursday afternoon last week.

But today I got up in plenty of time to make it over there and it was well worth the effort. There was plenty of room for me to work (especially as I am currently working on a very small format) and the regulars were all friendly. I got in two hours of painting, was able to chat a bit with a few people, and even picked up some information I needed about an oil painting class I had been hoping to take this fall. (Alas.)

Was the painting any better than I would have done at home? No, not really. Neither did I spend any more time on it than I would have, and after I packed up, I could tell I was going to have to make some major revisions to fix some value issues and the whole thing was feeling just a bit twee. (Honestly, it’s a pretty normal down feeling for this point in the painting.) But just spending time around people who take their art seriously and who were willing to take my art making seriously was just very relaxing. Part of me wishes I had taken advantage of this opportunity earlier, but I really wasn’t ready yet. Now I’m at the point where I have some idea of what I’m doing and some confidence that I can learn from my own mistakes and maybe pick up small bits here and there.

There was a larger group when I showed up, there to check out the place, and they had been taking the morning session of the oil painting class I had been wanting to take, but the instructors have retired and there are major changes happening in the class, including the location. After the group had left there was some discussion, concern about whether that group would fit in because they were more interested in getting instruction rather than just working on their own, and this studio time is studio time, not a classroom. Lots of paint covered tables to work on with people doing their own thing. Someone might solicit an opinion from time to time (I heard it happen several times this morning), but there is no instruction going on.

Anyway, I now have something to do most Monday mornings and I’m on my way to having art acquaintances that might even become art friends.. And if I can get my planning together, I might even try a larger composition again. I’ve already been digging through my collection of personal photos to find some ideas. Next I need to decide if I want to work on canvas or switch to a medium sized panel.

Samantha Herdman

I make art, I fence, and I’m always in search of another great book to read. Life is good.




Frogs and Toads